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jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012

Design and Construction of Tunnels
Analysis of controlled Deformation in Rock and Soils ( ADECO-RS)
Pietro Lunardi

Shows a very new and effective way of tunnel construction

Written by a leading Italian expert with much practical experience
This book llustrates how the Analysis of Controlled Deformation in Rocks and Soils (ADECO-RS) is used in the design and the construction of tunnels.
The ADECO-RS approach makes a clear distinction between the design and the construction stages and allows reliable forecasts of construction times and costs to be made. It uses the advance core (the core of ground ahead of the face) as a structural tool for the long and short term stabilisation of tunnels, after its rigidity has first been regulated using conservation techniques. Tunnels can consequently be driven in difficult stress-strain conditions to predetermined safety standards with operations industrialised and scheduled precisely.

Thanks to this approach design engineers have been able to employ industrial criteria in tunnel excavation, even under extremely difficult stress-strain conditions.


A note to the reader


From the research to ADECO-RS

1 The dynamics of tunnel advance
1.1 The basic concepts
1.2 The medium
1.4 The reaction
2 The deformation response of the medium to excavation
2.1 The experimental and theoretical research
2 11.1 The first research stage
2.1.2 The second research stage The example of the Frejus motorway tunnel (1975) The example of the “Santo Stefano” tunnel (1984) The S. Elia tunnel (1985) The example of the “Tasso” tunnel (1988) The results of the second research stage
2.1.3 The third research sta
2.3.1 The Vasto tunnel (1991) A brief history of the excavation
2.1.3 1.2 The survey phase The diagnosis phase Assessment of the stress-strain behaviour The therapy phase The operational phase The monitoring phase during construction Results of the third research stage
2.2 The advance core as a stabilisation instrument
2.3 The advance core as a point of reference for tunnel specifications
3 Analysis of the deformation response according to the ADECO-RS approach
3.1 Experimental and theoretical studies
3.1.1 Full scale experimentation
3.1.2 Laboratory experimentation
3.2 Numerical analyses
3.2.1 Studies using analytical approaches
3.2.2 Studies using numerical approaches on axial symmetrical models on axial symmetrical models
3.2.3 Studies using numerical approaches on 3D models
3.3 Results of the experimental and theoretical analyses of the deformation response
4 Control of the deformation response according to the ADECO RS approach
4.1 Control ahead of the face
4.2 Control in the tunnel back from the face
5 The analysis of controlled deformation in rocks and soils
5.1 Development of the new approach to the ADECO-RS approach Category A Category C
5.1.2 The different stages of the ADECO-RS approach
The design sta ge
6 The survey phase
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 The basic concepts of the survey phase
6.1.2 The survey phase for conventional excavation The geomorphological and hydrogeological characteristics of the area Location and definition of the terrain through which the underground aligment passes Tectonics, geological structure and the stress state of the rock mass Hydrogeological regime of the rock mass Geomechanical characteristics of the materials
6.1.3 The survey phase for TBM excavation
6.1.4 Geological surveys for excavation with preliminary pilot tunnel
6.1.5 Final considerations
7 The diagnosis phase
7.1 Background
7.2 The basic concepts of the diagnosis stage
7.3 Identification of sections with uniform stress-strain behaviour .
7.4 Calculation methods for predicting the behaviour category
7.5 Assessing the development of the deformation respo
7.6 Portals
7.6.1 Lithology, morphology, tectonics and structure of the slope to be entered
7.6.2 Hydrology, pre-existing buildings and structures and environmental constraints
7.6.3 Geomechanical characteristics of the ground
7.6.4 Forecasting the deformation behaviour of the slope
7.7 Final considerations
8 The therapy phase
8.1 Backgroun
8.2 Basic concepts of the therapy phase
8.3 Excavation systems ..
8.4 Mechanised or conventional excavation?
8.5 Tunnel boring machines in relation to the confinement action they exert
8.6 Design using conventional excavation
8.7 Stabilisation intervention
8.7.1 Preconfinement intervention
8.7.2 Confinement intervention
8.7.3 Presupport and support intervention
8.8 Composition of typical longitudinal and cross sections
8.9 Construction variabilities
8.10 The dimensions and verification of tunnel section types
8.10.1 Solid load calculation methods
8.10.2 Plasticised ring calculation methods
8.11 Particular aspects of the therapy phase
8.11.1 Tunnels under the water table
8.11.2 Adjacent tunnels
8.11.3 Tunnels with two faces approaching each other
8.11.4 Portals 8.12 Final considerations .
The construction sta ge
9 The operational phase
9.1 Background ..
9.2 The basic concepts of the operational phase ...
9.3 Excavation
9.4 Cavity preconfinement intervention
9.4.1 Cavity preconfinement by means of full face mechanical precutting
9.4.2 Cavity preconfinement using pretunnel technology
9.4.3 Preconfinement of the tunnel after strengthening the core-face with fibre glass reinforcement
9.4.4 Preconfinement of the tunnel by means of truncated cone umbrellas formed by sub horizontal columns of ground sideby side improved by jet-grouting
9.4.5 Preconfinement of the tunnel by means of truncated cone umbrellas’ of ground improved by means of conventional grounting
9.4.6 Preconfinement of the tunnel by means of truncated cone umbrellas’ of drainage pipes ahead of the face
9.5 Cavity confinement intervention
9.5.1 Confinement of the cavity by means of radial rock bolts
9.5.2 Cavity confinement using a preliminary lining shell of shotcrete
9.5.3 Confinement of the cavity by means of the tunnel invert
9.5.4 Confinement of the cavity by means of the final lining
9.6 Waterproofing
10 The monitoring phase
10.1 Background
10.2 Basic concepts
10.3 Measurement stations
10.3.1 Principle measurement stations
10.3.2 Extrusion measurement stations
10.3.3 Monitoring stations
10.3.4 Systematic measurement stations
10.4 The design of the system for monitoring during construction
10.5 Monitoring the tunnel when in service
10.6 The interpretation of measurements
10.6.1 Backgroun
10.6.2 Interpretation of extrusion measurements
10.6.3 The interpretation of convergence measurements
10.7 Back-analysis procedures
10.7.1 Fine tuning of the design during construction of the tunnel beneath the Mugello international motor racing track with a shallow overburden The survey phase The diagnosis phase The therapy phase The monitoring programme Final calibration of the design based on monitoring feedbac The operational phase The monitoring phase
Final considerations
Introduction to the appendices
Appendix A The design and construction of tunnels for the new Rome-Naples high speed/capacity railway line
Appendix B The design and construction of tunnels for the new Bologna-Florence high speed/capacity railway line
Appendix C The Tartaiguille tunnel
Appendix D C ellular arch technology
Appendix E Artificial Ground Overburdens (A.G.O.)
Appendix F Portals in difficult ground
Appendix G Widening road, motorway and railway tunnels without interrupting use

Observaciones 2008   Pag. 576  1142 Ilustra. 571 in color
17x24    Euros  153,90

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