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jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013
Methods, Techniques and Equipment
Ratan Raj Tatiya
Excavation is a multi-disciplinary activity in the areas of civil, construction and mining engineering. The excavation industry is booming because of the yearly creation of thousands of kilometers of tunnels, many mine openings and millions of cubic meters of large underground excavations for transportation, mineral mining, oil and gas storage, hydroelectric power station construction, defense facilities and for the disposal of hazardous waste.
Surface and Underground Excavations – Methods, Techniques and Equipment provides a comprehensive text on the latest technologies and developments in excavation for any type of surface or underground excavation. In the first few chapters, unit operations are covered, including drilling, explosives and blasting, mucking, haulage, hoisting, supports and reinforcement. Subsequently, excavation techniques are described for various operations, like tunneling, raising, sinking, drifting, stoping, quarrying and surface-mining, underground mining, pillar blasting and liquidation. In addition, the design, planning and development of excavations are treated in a separate chapter. Special attention is paid to the construction of surface and subsurface excavations, including caverns and to new methodologies to select stoping methods through incremental analysis. For practical illustration, the final chapter contains case studies dealing with heavy underground blasting during pillar recoveries.
This expanded second edition has been wholly revised, removing obsolete information and including latest trends and best practices as well as questions at the end of each chapter. It is now fully up-to-date and even more appealing to students and those with a general or professional interest in surface and underground excavations. As such, this book is particularly suited to students in earth sciences, geology and in civil, mining and construction engineering.
Conversion tables
Excavations and their classification
Surface excavations
Underground excavations
Importance of minerals and brief history to recover them
Current status of mineral industry
Excavation technologies/systems – development & growth
Unique features of mineral industry
Brief history civil work excavations including tunneling
Current scenario
Tomorrow’s mine & civil excavations
Way forward
Rocks and Minerals
Formation process and classification
Rock cycle & type of deposits
Texture, grain size and shape
The concepts of mineral resources and reserves; mineral inventory, cutoff grade, and ores
Geological structures
Physical & mechanical characteristics of ores and rocks
Some other properties/characteristics
Related terms – rock and mineral deposits
Prospecting, Exploration & Site Investigations
Prospecting and exploration
Phases of prospecting and exploration program
Site investigations for civil constructions, or any excavation project including tunnels and caverns
Rocks and ground characterization
Rock quality designation (rqd)
Introduction – unit operations
Primary rock breaking
Operating components of the drilling system
Mechanics of rock penetration
Rock drill classification
Motive power of rock drills
Drilling accessories
Selection of drill
Drilling postures
Explosives and Blasting
Introduction – explosives
Detonation and deflagration
Common ingredients of explosives
Classification of explosives
Blasting properties of explosives
Explosive initiating devices/systems
Explosive charging techniques
Blasting accessories
Firing systems – classification
Ground blasting techniques
Secondary breaking
Use, handling, transportation and storage of explosives
Explosive selection
Blasting theory
Drilling and blasting performance
Mucking, Casting and Excavation
Muck characteristics
Underground mucking units
ARM loaders
Mucking in tunnels
Surface – excavation, loading and casting units
Wheel loaders – front end loaders
Hydraulic excavators
Multi bucket excavators
Bucket chain excavator (BCE)
Bucket wheel excavator (BWE)
Calculations for selection of shovel/excavator
Total cost calculations
Governing factors for the selection of mucking equipment
Transportation – Haulage and Hoisting
Haulage system
Trackless or tyred haulage system
Conveyor system
Belt conveyors
Hoisting or winding system
Aerial ropeway
Track and mine car
Introduction – necessity of supports
Classification of supports
Self support by in-place (in-situ) rock
Selection of support
Effect of ore extraction upon displacement of country rock and surface
Drives and Tunnels (Conventional Methods)
Introduction – function of drives and tunnels
Drivage techniques (for drives and tunnels)
Drivage techniques with the aid of explosives
Muck disposal and handling (mucking and transportation)
Working cycle (including auxiliary operations)
Driving large sized drives/tunnels in tough rocks
Conventional tunneling methods: tunneling through the soft ground and soft rocks
Supports for tunnels and mine openings
Driving without aid of explosives
Pre-cursor or prior to driving civil tunnels
Tunneling By Roadheaders and Impact Hammers
Tunneling by boom mounted roadheaders
Classification boom mounted roadheaders
Milling or longitudinal (augur) roadheaders
Classification based on weight
Advantages of roadheaders
Important developments
Procedure of driving by the heading machines
Auxiliary operations
Hydraulic impact hammer tunneling
Excavation procedure and cycle of operations
Merit and limitations
Partial face rotary rock tunneling machines
Excavator with multiple tool miner (MTM) attachments
Full-Face Tunnel Borers (Tbms) & Special Methods
Tunneling methods and procedures
Full face tunneling machines
Mini tunnel borers
Boring system
Rock cutting tools and their types
TBM Performance
Size of unit and its overall length including its trailing gear
Backup system/activities
tbms for soft ground/formations
Phases of tunneling project
Future technology
New Austrian tunneling method (NATM)
Tunneling through the abnormal or difficult ground, using special methods
Cut and cover method of tunneling
Submerged tubes/tunnels
Economical studies
Mine design elements
Dividing property for the purpose of underground mining
Mine planning duration
Mine development – Introduction
Access to deposit or means of mine access
System – opening up a deposit
Positioning and developing the main haulage levels
Size and shape of mine openings and tunnels
Pit top layouts
Pit bottom layouts
Structures concerning pit bottom layouts
Excavations in Upward Direction – Raising
Raises’ applications in civil and construction industries
Classification – types of raises for mines
Raise driving techniques
Conventional raising method: open raising
Conventional raising method: raising by compartment
Raising by the use of mechanical climbers: jora hoist
Raising by mechanical climbers: alimak raise climber
Blasthole raising method: long-hole raising
Blasthole raising method: drop raising
Raising by the application of raise borers
Raise boring in a package – borpak
Ore pass/waste rock pass
Shaft Sinking
Preparatory work required
Sinking appliances, equipment and services
Sinking methods and procedure
Reaching up to the rock head
Sinking through the rock
Special methods of shaft sinking
Piling system
Caisson method
Special methods by temporary or permanent isolation of water
The freezing process
Shaft drilling and boring
Safety in sinking shafts
Large Sub-Surface Excavations
Powerhouse caverns
Oil storage caverns
Salt cavern storage
Aquifer storage
Exhibition hall caverns
Underground chambers in mines
Equipment and services selection
Underground Mining/Stoping Methods
Open stoping methods
Supported stoping methods
Caving methods
Common aspects
Mine liquidation
Planning for mine closure
Surface Excavations
Introduction – surface mining methods
Open pit mining
Haul roads
Ramp and its gradient
Open cast mining/strip mining
Quarrying methods/techniques
The diamond belt saw
Earth movers
Subject index
Hazards, Occupational Health and Safety (Ohs), Environment and Loss Prevention
Excavations’ Potential Hazards
Occupational Health and Surveillance
Environment Degradation and Mitigation Measures
Loss Prevention
Way Forward
Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development (SD) in Mining
Stakeholders and Sustainable Development
Scenarios Influencing Mining Industry
Is Mining Industry Equipped to Meet Challenges?
Proposed strategy to run mines economically viable (beneficial) i.e. implementation of cost-effective systems and best practices.
Measures for SD through improvements environmentally, socially and ethically
Legal compliances and Mining Policy
Quality of Human Resources
The Ultimate Goal - Way Forward
Way forward: Proposed milestones / strategy
Observaciones 2013
Medidas 17x24
Paginas 846
Precio 140,00 A la venta en Marzo 2013
William A. Hustrulid, Mark Kuchta, Randall K. Martin
Open Pit Mine Planning and Design is an outstanding textbook designed for courses in surface mine design, open pit design, geological excavation engineering, and advanced open pit mine planning and design. The step-by-step introduction to mine design and planning enables a fast-track approach to the matter by undergraduate and graduate students. The excellent, user-friendly software guides the student through the planning and design steps, and the drillhole data sets allow the student to practice the described principles in various mining properties case examples. The large number of illustrative examples and case studies, together with the exercises and the reference lists at the end of each chapter, provide the student with all the material needed to study effectively the theory and application methods of open pit mine planning and design.
Volume One: Fundamentals covers the fundamental concepts involved in the planning and design of open pit mines. Subjects covered include mine planning, mining revenues and costs, orebody description, geometrical considerations, pit limits, production planning, mineral resources and ore reserves, responsible mining, blasting, drilling, loading, hauling and equipment availability, and utilization.
Volume Two: CSMine Software Package deals with CSMine, a user-friendly mine planning and design software that was developed specifically to illustrate the principles involved when applied in practice. It includes CSMine software, a CSMine tutorial, MicroModel user's guide and tutorial and various orebody case examples.
Although intended as student course material, many practitioners have used it as a practical reference guide. This third edition has been wholly revised, updated, and significantly expanded.
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Mine development phases
1.3 An initial data collection checklist
1.4 The planning phase
1.5 Planning costs
1.6 Accuracy of estimates
1.7 Feasibility study preparation
1.8 Critical path representation
1.9 Mine reclamation
1.10 Environmental planning procedures
1.11 A sample list of project permits and approvals
Review questions and exercises
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Economic concepts including cash flow
2.3 Estimating revenues
2.4 Estimating costs
Review questions and exercises
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Mine maps
3.3 Geologic information
3.4 Compositing and tonnage factor calculations
3.5 Method of vertical sections
3.6 Method of vertical sections (grade contours)
3.7 The method of horizontal sections
3.8 Block models
3.9 Statistical basis for grade assignment
3.10 Kriging
Review questions and exercises
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Basic bench geometry
4.3 Ore access
4.4 The pit expansion process
4.5 Pit slope geometry
4.6 Final pit slope angles
4.7 Plan representation of bench geometry
4.8 Addition of a road
4.9 Road construction
4.10 Stripping ratios
4.11 Geometric sequencing
4.12 Summary
Review questions and exercises
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Hand methods
5.3 Economic block models
5.4 The floating cone technique
5.5 The Lerchs-Grossmann 2-D algorithm
5.6 Modification of the Lerchs-Grossmann 2-D algorithm to a 2½-D algorithm
5.7 The Lerchs-Grossmann 3-D algorithm
5.8 Computer assisted methods
Review questions and exercises
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Some basic mine life – plant size concepts
6.3 Taylor’s mine life rule
6.4 Sequencing by nested pits
6.5 Cash flow calculations
6.6 Mine and mill plant sizing
6.7 Lane’s algorithm
6.8 Material destination considerations
6.9 Production scheduling
6.10 Push back design
6.11 The mine planning and design process – summary and closing remarks
Review questions and exercises
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The JORC code – 2004 edition
7.3 The CIM best practice guidelines for the estimation of mineral resources and mineral reserves – general guidelines
Review questions and exercises
8.1 Introduction
8.2 The 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
8.3 The World Conservation Strategy (WCS) – 1980
8.4 World Commission on Environment and Development (1987)
8.5 The ‘Earth Summit’
8.6 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD)
8.7 Mining industry and mining industry-related initiatives
8.8 ‘Responsible Mining’ – the way forward is good engineering
8.9 Concluding remarks
Review questions and exercises
9.1 General introduction to mining unit operations
9.2 Rock blasting
9.2.1 Rock fragmentation
9.2.2 Blast design flowsheet
9.2.3 Explosives as a source of fragmentation energy
9.2.4 Pressure-volume curves
9.2.5 Explosive strength
9.2.6 Energy use
9.2.7 Preliminary blast layout guidelines
9.2.8 Blast design rationale
9.2.9 Ratios for initial design
9.2.10 Ratio based blast design example
9.2.11 Determination of KB
9.2.12 Energy coverage
9.2.13 Concluding remarks
Review questions and exercises
10.1 Brief history of rotary drill bits
10.2 Rock removal action
10.3 Rock bit components
10.4 Roller bit nomenclature
10.5 The rotary blasthole drill machine
10.6 The drill selection process
10.7 The drill string
10.8 Penetration rate – early fundamental studies
10.9 Penetration rate – field experience
10.10 Pulldown force
10.11 Rotation rate
10.12 Bit life estimates
10.13 Technical tips for best bit performance
10.14 Cuttings removal and bearing cooling
10.15 Production time factors
10.16 Cost calculations
10.17 Drill automation
Review questions and exercises
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Operational practices
11.3 Dipper capacity
11.4 Some typical shovel dimensions, layouts and specifications
11.5 Ballast/counterbalance requirements
11.6 Shovel production per cycle
11.7 Cycle time
11.9 Shovel productivity example
11.10 Design guidance from regulations
Review questions and exercises
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Sizing the container
12.3 Powering the container
12.4 Propeling the container – mechanical drive systems
12.5 Propelling the container – electrical drive systems
12.6 Propelling the container – trolley assist
12.7 Calculation of truck travel time – hand methods
12.8 Empty return calculations
12.9 Calculation of truck travel time – computer methods
12.10 Autonomous haulage
Review questions and exercises
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Time flow
13.3 Availability – node 1
13.4 Utilization – node 2
13.5 Working efficiency – node 3
13.6 Job efficiency – node 4
13.7 Maintenance efficiency
13.8 Estimating annual operating time and production capacity
13.9 Estimating shift operating time and production capacity
13.10 Annual time flow in rotary drilling
13.11 Application in prefeasibility work
Review questions and exercises
14.1 Getting started
14.2 The Arizona Copper property description
14.3 Steps needed to create a block model
14.4 Data files required for creating a block model
14.5 CSMine program design overview
14.6 Executing commands with CSMine
14.7 Starting the tutorial
14.8 The drill hole mode
14.9 The composite mode
14.10 The block mode
14.11 Conclusion
14.12 Suggested exercises
15.1 Basics
15.2 Drill hole mode
15.3 Composite mode
15.4 Block model mode
15.5 Economic block values
15.6 Pit modeling
15.7 Block plots
15.8 Contour plot
15.9 Plotting pit profiles
15.10 Block reports
15.11 Summary statistics
15.12 Variogram modeling
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Program overview
16.3 Data entry tutorial
16.4 Pit generation tutorial
16.5 Other data sets – Continuation
17.1 Introduction
17.2 The Arizona copper property
17.3 The Minnesota natural iron property
17.4 The Utah iron property
17.5 The Minnesota taconite property
17.6 The Kennecott Barneys Canyon gold property
17.7 The Newmont gold property
17.8 The Codelco Andina copper property
17.9 The Codelco Norte copper property
Observaciones 2013 3º ED. 2 vol Incluye CD.ROM
Medidas 17x24
Paginas 1500
Euros 140,00
martes, 12 de febrero de 2013
Antonio Manuel Reyes Rodriguez
El cálculo de instalaciones en un edificio requiere de programas informáticos especializados, para poder llevar a cabo proyectos de forma rápida y segura. CYPECAD MEP es una fantástica revisión del programa líder en diseño de edificación y cálculo de estructuras. Conocer su operativa le capacitará a ejecutar proyectos con seguridad y rapidez, a partir de patrones de diseño adaptados a las diferentes normativas con el objeto de obtener unas mayores prestaciones y sostenibilidad. Este manual didáctico y entretenido, aborda de forma exhaustiva, los conocimientos y habilidades prácticas necesarias para el manejo del programa. Encontrará consejos útiles sobre qué hacer en cada fase de desarrollo del proyecto. En su redacción también han participado los mismos ingenieros que diseñan el programa. El temario es muy adecuado para cursos de cualquier nivel y duración: universidad, perfeccionamiento o desempleados. Los ejercicios son un eficaz complemento de ayuda para el profesor. Todos encontrarán innumerables consejos y trucos para mejorar su rendimiento.
Capítulo 1. Nuestro objetivo
El Código Técnico, sus proyectos y CYPE
Planos de nuestro edificio
ResumenCapítulo 2. Nuestra herramienta
La primera incursión en CYPECAD MEP
Datos generales de la obra
El entorno de trabajo
Introducción de plantillas
Capítulo 3. Introducción del edificio (I)
Muros de sótano
Edición de elementos constructivos
Capítulo 4. Introducción del edificio (II)
Tabiquería y puertas
Forjados, azoteas y huecos en forjados
Edición de elementos constructivos y de instalaciones
Capítulo 5. Introducción del edificio (III)
Primera planta
Segunda y tercera planta
Cuarta planta
Planta bajo cubierta
Edificios vecinos
Capítulo 6. Recintos y unidades de uso
Concepto y necesidad del recinto
Recintos del sótano
Recintos de la planta baja
Recintos de la primera planta de viviendas
Recintos del resto de plantas de viviendas
Recintos del bajo cubierta
Concepto y asignación de unidades de uso
Capítulo 7. Seguridad en caso de incendio
CTE DB-SI Seguridad en caso de incendio
Propagación de incendios
Evacuación del edificio
Instalaciones de detección, control y extinción de incendios
Señalización de las vías de evacuación
Fire Dynamics Simulator
Capítulo 8. Cumplimiento del CTE DB-HR
Pestaña Estudio acústico del programa CYPECAD MEP
Análisis del cálculo en la planta baja
Estudio y soluciones de las incidencias del cálculo en las plantas de viviendas
Información de aristas
Tiempo de reverberación
Impresión de resultados
Capítulo 9. Salubridad (I)
Datos generales referidos al CTE DB-HS 1
Listados de la justificación del CTE DB-HS 1
Resultados de la justificación del CTE DB-HS 2
Datos generales del CTE DB-HS 3
Justificación del CTE DB-HS 3 en viviendas
Justificación del CTE DB-HS 3 en garaje, trasteros y almacén de residuos
Listados y planos de la justificación del CTE DB-HS 3
Capítulo 10. Salubridad (II)
Nociones del CTE DB-HS 4. Datos generales
Instalación general de fontanería
Instalaciones particulares de fontanería
Cálculo de la instalación de fontanería
Nociones del CTE DB-HS 5. Datos generales
Red de aguas residuales
Red de aguas pluviales
Cálculo, listados y planos
ResumenCapítulo 11. Cumplimiento del CTE DB-HE 1
Cálculo de la limitación de la demanda energética por la opción simplificada
Cálculo de la limitación de la demanda energética por la opción general
Capítulo 12. Contribución solar al agua caliente sanitaria
Conceptos previos
Datos generales
Diseño de la instalación
Cálculo e impresión de resultados
Capítulo 13. Climatización y calificación energética
Conjunto de recintos
Climatización por radiadores y splits
Suelo radiante y refrescante
Distribución de la climatización por conductos
Climatización por bomba de calor aire-agua y fan-coils
Cálculo y resultados
Exportación a Calener VYP
Cálculo de la calificación energética por el procedimiento simplificado Ce2
Cálculo de sombras
ResumenCapítulo 14. Pararrayos e iluminación
Necesidad de disponer pararrayos
Instalación de pararrayos
La iluminación en el Código Técnico
Datos generales para el cálculo de la iluminación
Otras luminarias interiores para alumbrado normal
Capítulo 15. Instalación de gas canalizado
Datos generales de la instalación
Componentes de la instalación canalizada de gas
Cálculo e impresión de resultados
Instalación de propano en depósitos
Capítulo 16. Infraestructura Común de Telecomunicaciones
Datos generales
Trazado de la red colectiva
Instalación de usuario
Cálculo e impresión de resultados
Capítulo 17. Instalación eléctrica
Datos generales para la instalación eléctrica
Instalaciones de enlace
Instalaciones interiores
Instalaciones comunes
Cálculo e impresión de resultados
ResumenCapítulo 18. Elaboración del proyecto del edificio
Contenido del proyecto
Pliego de condiciones, Mediciones y Presupuestos
Apéndice A. Instalación
Preámbulos de la instalación
Instalación de los programas de CYPE
Ejecución de cualquier programa de CYPE
Instalación de las conexiones con programas de CADÍndice alfabético
Observaciones Febrero 2013
Medidas 17x24
Paginas 480
Precio 26,80
lunes, 11 de febrero de 2013

Revision de los metodos de diseño existentes y propuesta de una nueva
metodogia de dimensionamiento
Elena Blanco Fernandez
Los sistemas flexibles de alta resistencia anclados al terreno son una de las distintas técnicas existentes para la estabilización de taludes, ya sean de roca o de suelo. Están constituidos por una membrana (red de cables o malla de alambre) sujeta al terreno mediante placas de anclaje, cables de refuerzo y bulones. Se estima que alrededor de 1.000.000 de m2 son instalados cada año en todo el mundo. Actualmente no existen guías técnicas de carácter oficial que definan de forma rigurosa el comportamiento de estos sistemas, su procedimiento de cálculo y su modo de instalación. Son generalmente los mismos fabricantes los que desarrollan sus propias guías internas de diseño e instalación. La motivación de este trabajo radica precisamente en esta carencia de normativa técnica objetiva con un adecuado rigor científico. El presente trabajo recoge de forma íntegra la tesis doctoral defendida por la autora el 6 de mayo de 2011 en la Universidad de Cantabria. Su director de tesis, Daniel Castro Fresno, es Profesor Titular en la E.T.S.I. Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la Universidad de Cantabria. Posee 42 artículos científicos indexados, 12 patentes y más de 60 contribuciones a congresos
Observaciones 2013
Medidas 17x24
Paginas 312
Precio 95,00 Euros
miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2013
Volodymyr Bondarenko, Iryna Kovalevska,Mykhaylo Iliiashov,Genadiy Pivnyak
This volume deals with economic aspects of mining companies’ development strategies, various mineral deposits development techniques, imitational modeling of mine workings with rock massif, methane extraction technologies during coal mining, geomechanical processes during plow mining, mining transport importance for mineral extraction, massif strain-stress state management using non-explosive destructing materials, and surface mining's detrimental influence on the environment.
Special attention is paid to alternative ways of mining, such as borehole underground coal gasification for extraction of hardly accessible coal and development of gasification plant and development and use of alternative sources of energy such as gas hydrates and sun energy are also disucssed in this book.
This collection of scientific papers will be of interest to mining engineers, engineering technicians, designers, scientific and research personnel, students, postgraduates, and all mining-related professionals working in the coal and ore industry.
This volume deals with economic aspects of mining companies’ development strategies, various mineral deposits development techniques, imitational modeling of mine workings with rock massif, methane extraction technologies during coal mining, geomechanical processes during plow mining, mining transport importance for mineral extraction, massif strain-stress state management using non-explosive destructing materials, and surface mining's detrimental influence on the environment.
Special attention is paid to alternative ways of mining, such as borehole underground coal gasification for extraction of hardly accessible coal and development of gasification plant and development and use of alternative sources of energy such as gas hydrates and sun energy are also disucssed in this book.
This collection of scientific papers will be of interest to mining engineers, engineering technicians, designers, scientific and research personnel, students, postgraduates, and all mining-related professionals working in the coal and ore industry.
Coal industry developments in the Ukraine
Over-coal thin layered massif deformation of weak rocks
Finite-element method for multi-parameter system "Rock Massif - Combined Support" computation
Mine working destruction
The thickness variation seams
Finite-element modelling
Spontaneous combustion and coal dust explosibility
Methane and artificial gas extracting
Brown coal underground gasification
Degassing systems
Geomechanical processes at plow longwall mining in weak rocks
Reliability and carrying capability of support service vehicles
Monitoring by method of conductivity
Analysis of stress-strain state of rock mass
Rock displacement
Influence of coal seams gasification on bearing rocks
Hydrodynamic cavitation in energy-saving technologies in mining industry
Economic aspects of development strategy of mining companies
Methods of determining untidust respirator quality
Unexplosive destroying materials
Observaciones 2012
Medidas 17x24
Paginas 300
Precio 135,00 Euros
Over-coal thin layered massif deformation of weak rocks
Finite-element method for multi-parameter system "Rock Massif - Combined Support" computation
Mine working destruction
The thickness variation seams
Finite-element modelling
Spontaneous combustion and coal dust explosibility
Methane and artificial gas extracting
Brown coal underground gasification
Degassing systems
Geomechanical processes at plow longwall mining in weak rocks
Reliability and carrying capability of support service vehicles
Monitoring by method of conductivity
Analysis of stress-strain state of rock mass
Rock displacement
Influence of coal seams gasification on bearing rocks
Hydrodynamic cavitation in energy-saving technologies in mining industry
Economic aspects of development strategy of mining companies
Methods of determining untidust respirator quality
Unexplosive destroying materials
Observaciones 2012
Medidas 17x24
Paginas 300
Precio 135,00 Euros
Berardo Caicedo,Carol Murillo,Laureano Hoyos,Julio Esteban Colmenares
New theories and testing techniques related with Unsaturated Soil Mechanics have proven to be valuable tools to study a broad spectrum of geo-materials which includes rocks, rock fills, frozen soils and domiciliary solid wastes. These new theories and testing techniques have permitted the analysis of several traditional problems from a new perspective (e.g., swelling or collapsible soils and compacted soils or pavements materials), and they have also shown their efficiency to study new energy-related problems like CO2 sequestration and nuclear waste disposal.
Advances in Unsaturated Soils is a collection of papers from the 1st Pan-American Conference on Unsaturated Soils organized in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, in February 2013. The volume includes 76 research papers coming for all over the world, as well as 7 keynotes papers by well known international researchers. The contributions present a variety of topics including:
• Advances in testing techniques
• Unsaturated soil behavior
• Constitutive modeling and microstructure
• Numerical modeling
• Geotechnical problemsAdvances in Unsaturated Soils
is expected to become a useful reference to academics and professionals involved in Unsaturated Soil Mechanics.
Organization committees
Keynotes lectures
Interactions between atmosphere and geosphere—difficulties in measuring evaporation
G.E. Blight
Interpretation of soil-water characteristic curves when volume change occurs as soil suction is changed
D.G. Fredlund & S.L. Houston
Ventilation effects in an argillaceous rock tunnel examined via unsaturated soil mechanics
A. Gens & B. Garitte
Compacted soils: From physics to hydraulic and mechanical behaviour
S. Leroueil & D.W. Hight
Rockfill mechanics
L.A. Oldecop & E.E. Alonso
Unsaturated soil mechanics in the design and performance of pavements
H. Sahin, F. Gu, Y. Tong, R. Luo & R.L. Lytton
Estimation of the 1-D heave of a natural expansive soil deposit with a light structure using the modulus of elasticity based method
S.K. Vanapalli & H.H. Adem
Advances in testing techniques
Physical modelling of the effect of partial saturation on the stability of geocell walls
D. Gómez
Calibration in the laboratory of capacitance sensors for water content monitoring
F. Avanzi, M. Caruso & C. Jommi
Unsaturated soil response under plane strain conditions via true triaxial testing
L.R. Hoyos, J.A. Cruz & A. Lizcano
Measuring water retention properties of a series of bentonite clays in a wide range of suctions
D. Marcial
Physical modeling of the mechanical improvement of unsaturated silt through heating
C.J.R. Coccia, A. Casady & J.S. McCartney
Triaxial cell for nonisothermal shear strength of compacted silt under high suction magnitudes
N.A. Alsherif & J.S. McCartney
Measurement of friction on piles over neutral plane in expansive soils
C. Mendoza
On the use of unsaturated properties of a sandy material for centrifuge model preparation
W.F. Morales, J. Laue & S.M. Springman
Application of electrical resistivity for the control of water content and density in loess
V. Rinaldi
A method for making a homogeneous specimen of unsaturated clay using micro-wave
H. Suzuki, Y. Okano, K. Ueno & R. Uzuoka
Centrifuge modelling of wetting-induced collapse in embankment base
L. Thorel, I.M. Khokhar, V. Ferber & B. Caicedo
A practical method for suction estimation in unsaturated soil testing
M.F. Amaral, A.V. da Fonseca, E. Romero & M. Arroyo
Preparing unsaturated samples of decomposed granite for laboratory controlled CPTs
H. Yang & A.R. Russell
Estimating soil hydraulic parameters from capillary rise tests
T.C. Zapata & O.M. Vilar
Geophysical investigation of cracking in unsaturated soils
G. Jones, M. Zielinski & P. Sentenac
Unsaturated soil behavior
Water retention behavior and hydraulic properties
Preferential flow and mass transport modeling in a heterogeneous unsaturated soil
L.B. Bien, R. Angulo-Jaramillo, D. Predelus, L. Lassabatere & T. Winiarski
Influence of cracks on soil water characteristic curve
S. Azam, M. Ito & F. Khan
Influence of suction on the permeability of unsaturated soils
B. Melbouci & F. Ghanem
Evaluation of the suction calibration curves for Whatman 42 filter paper
K.V. Bicalho, K.F. Cupertino & A.I. Bertolde
Soil water characteristic curves of lime-treated highly expansive soils
T.Y. Elkady & A.M. Al-Mahbashi
Water retention properties of a demolition waste
A.M.J. Gómez, M.M. Farias, M.P. Cordão-Neto, M.V.R. Souza & I.F. Otálvaro
Water infiltration in final cover layer of landfills in northeast region of Brazil
R.L. Lopes, J.F.T. Jucá & M.O.H. Mariano
Water retention properties of a residual soil from Caracas
A. Luis & D. Marcial
Air permeability of cover soil from the Bandeirantes landfill in São Paulo, Brazil
F.A.M. Marinho & P.F. Teixeira
Water retention curves for a tropical soil contaminated by vinasse
M.G. Miguel & S.Y. Pereira
Permeability studies with blend of fly Ash and Rice Husk Ash stabilized soil subgrade
N.L. Patil, S. Sharma & H. Sood
Capillary rise in pores with rough walls
L.E. Vallejo
Volumetric and elastic behavior
Multi-dimensional swelling behavior of Al-Qatif expansive soils
M.F. Abbas, T.Y. Elkady & M.A. Al-Shamrani
Soil characterization and compressibility parameters of Bogotá clay due to suction changes
G.E. Ávila, A. Ledesma & A. Lloret
Cyclic behavior of unsaturated unbound aggregates for pavements
B. Caicedo, O. Coronado, J.M. Fleureau & A. Gomes-Correia
Small strain shear modulus of an unsaturated sandy soil
G.B. Georgetti & O.M. Vilar
Swelling behavior of expansive clays incorporating mineralogy and pore size distribution via SWCC
A. Pedarla, A.J. Puppala & L.R. Hoyos
Drying-wetting tests on sand—silt mixtures: Impact of volumetric changes on the retention curves
M. Morvan, D. Branque, H. Wong & B. Colin
Collapse behaviour of a natural loess from Northern France
J.A. Muñoz-Castelblanco, P. Delage, J.M. Pereira & Y.J. Cui
Elastic response of unsaturated soils
C. Murillo, B. Caicedo, L. Thorel & C. Dano
Evaluation of soil matric suction, microstructure and its influence on collapsible behavior
J. Ramos & Y. Valencia
An experimental study on the stiffness of a lime-treated clayey soil
A.M. Tang, M.N. Vu & Y.J. Cui
Effects of relative humidity cycling on the hydro-mechanical behaviour of two clayey rocks from North-East Spain
J.A. Pineda & E. Romero
Laboratory experiments on swelling due to crystal growth in sulphate argillaceous rocks
A. Deu, E.E. Romero & I.R. Berdugo
Shear and tension behavior
Solute suction and shear strength in saturated soils
V.Y. Katte & G.E. Blight
Effect of pre-shearing/suction histories on residual shear strength of unsaturated soils
L.R. Hoyos, C.L. Velosa & A.J. Puppala
Review of factors affecting formation of cracks in clay layers
C. Lozada
Evaluating the impact of thermal variations on the penetration test parameters
G. Franchomme, S. Rosin-Paumier & F. Masrouri
Using fracture mechanics theory to evaluate the unconfined compressive strength of unsaturated fissured clays
L.E. Vallejo
Fractal evaluation of the fragmentation of clays due to desiccation
L.E. Vallejo
Critical combination of tensile and shear stresses causing the crack propagation path in brittle clays subjected to uniaxial compression
L.F. Vesga & L.E. Vallejo
Crack propagation and threshold strength of fissured clays subjected to cyclic loading
L.F. Vesga & L.E. Vallejo
Constitutive modelling and microstructure
Hydro-mechanical formulation considering fluid compressibility
S.R.C. Brant-P-de-Jesus, M.P. Cordão-Neto & I. Fernandes-Gomes
Volumetric behavior of unsaturated-reconstituted soils
G.J. Burton, D. Sheng & E. Romero
Micromechanical study of the compressibility of unsaturated granular materials
R. Barata & R. Cardoso
Progressive emergence of double porosity in a silt during compaction
F. Casini, J. Vaunat, E. Romero & A. Desideri
State surface of wetting-drying cycles at the equilibrium stage
E. Jahangir, F. Masrouri & H. Nowamooz
Assessment of the critical state strength of unsaturated aggregated soils
E.J. Murray, R.M. Jones & V. Sivakumar
Incorporating a microstructural state variable in constitutive modeling
N.M. Pinyol, E.E. Alonso & A. Gens
Effect of loading and suction history on time dependent deformation of coarse crushed slate
E. Romero, C. Alvarado & E.E. Alonso
DEM modeling of unsaturated rockfill. Scale effects
M. Tapias, E.E. Alonso & J.A. Gili
Incorporation of the soil-water characteristic curve hysteresis in pavement design
D.C. Rosenbalm & C.E. Zapata
Results of unsaturated tests on metastable soils
J.C. Ruge, R.P. da Cunha & D. Mašín
Numerical analysis of unsaturated soil behaviour under large deformations
B.C.F.L. Lopes & M.P. Cordão-Neto
Numerical modelling
Study of the influence of climatic effects on the soil temperature and suction changes
K.V. Bicalho, G.P.W. Vivacqua & Y.J. Cui
Numerical analysis of effect of rainfall infiltration on unsaturated soil
E.F. Garcia, C.A. Riveros & J.C. Saldarriaga
The impact of moisture diffusion on the structural degradation of asphalt mixtures
S. Caro
Shafts by the Sequential Excavation Method: Mechanical vs Hydro-mechanical calculations
C.C. Dias, A.T. Gomes & J. Vaunat
A lattice model for liquid transport in unsaturated porous materials
C. Fahy, P. Grassl & D. Gallipoli
Numerical simulation of a shallow foundation on an unsaturated silt
N.A. González & A. Gens
Cyclic macroelement for shallow footing over unsaturated soil
B. Kafle & F. Wuttke
BEST method: Characterization of soil unsaturated hydraulic properties
L. Lassabatere, R. Angulo-Jaramillo, T. Winiarski & D. Yilmaz
Unsaturated flow of unfrozen water in frozen soils
A. Shastri, M. Sanchez & A. Lizcano
Probabilistic analyses of slope stability under infiltration conditions
I.F. Otálvaro & M.P. Cordão-Neto
Modeling gas hydrate bearing sediments using a coupled approach
M. Sanchez, A. Shastri & J.C. Santamarina
Effect of soil replacement option on surface deflections for expansive clay profiles
A. Bharadwaj, S.L. Houston, W.N. Houston, B. Welfert & K.D. Walsh
Geotechnical problems and soil atmosphere interaction
Capillary barrier dissipation by new wicking geotextile
M. Azevedo & J.G. Zornberg
Suction stress influence on strength parameters used in geotechnical engineering
R. Baltodano-Goulding
Quantification and modeling of water flow in sandy soils in Northeast Thailand
S. Seltacho, V. Sriboonlue, N. Suwanang, W. Wiriyakitnateekul & C. Hammecker
A rainfall threshold for the occurrence of landslides in manmade slopes in residual soils in the northwest of Colombia
C.H. Hidalgo & A.P. de Assis
Use of artificial intelligence in Soil compaction modeling
E.L.P. González
Author index
Observaciones 2013
Medidas 17x24
Paginas 610
Precio 220,00 Euros
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